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Apparently.....I'm Half Naked

Sooooo today we went on a field trip (I call it a field trip because we just sat for a few minutes before leaving) to visit one of Jason's long time friends.  When we pulled up the husband was pulling out on his way to the store so we went inside to be entertained by his wife. I met the husband and his wife once before, last year at their babyshower and apparently the dress I wore ruffled a few feathers. I wore a yellow and grey Silence and Noise dress, which is made out of jersey material pictured below. Do I look half naked to you?

Today I wore the grey maxi dress pictured above. After we sat down and made small talk she broke out with the BS. She approached me saying um Dominique do you have anything you could cover up with? After I said um no.... I'm thinking WTF cover up what, my breasts my back, my arms? I'm a woman every woman has them. She goes on to say something about a conversation she had yesterday with her man about other women exposing themselves (she probably brought it up) and therefore making it difficult for men to follow the right path. Now that I think about it she probably did bring up the subject since clearly she's been holding a grudge about me for a year! Apparently this woman is uber religious and cleavage is the devil. She asked me THREE times if I had something to cover up with like I would suddenly remember oh yeah I do have a feather down coat in my purse hold on a minute let me go put it on. But wait it only gets WORSE. Mind you this couple has known Jason for years now and this is my second meeting. She slyly walks towards her hallway and then asks Jason to come here for a second. I thought she needed him to help pull out something heavy for the grill that a woman shouldn't be lifting. Nope, I was wrong she asked him to go outside so she could talk to him privately! OK now I'm pissed. They talk for about two minutes then he comes back in and was like let's go. I already knew it was heading to that. She facetiously says, Oh no you guys don't have to go..... Well what else would you suggest then since apparently I'm half naked and your husband is going to be giving me the googly eyes when he returns?! She mentions to Jason that they would love to hang out with us but everytime they see me I'm half naked. I'm still looking at both my dresses and scratching my head in disbelief.....

I'm all in favor of those walking right with the Lord and consciously making any effort to avoid the temptation of heathens by any means necessary. I, however, am not a religious fanatic and yes I would be offended if I invited a couple over to my home and the woman came dressed in a thong and pasties. In that case, I would be well within my right to say she is half naked but this was not that case. I am not half naked and nor was I at her babyshower. She apparently thinks my choice of clothing is too provocative and therefore made her feel quite uncomfortable on both occassions when we met. Both Jason and I felt judged by her. She must be the perfect Christian. I doubt it though. No one is perfect but I respect her walk with God and what she wants for herself, her husband and their home.

Let's just say we won't be in the same social circle.