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America is just one big shopping mall

Abridged version of George Carlin's rants and raves on 'Stuff'.

A house is just a pile of stuff with a cover on it. You can see that when you're taking off in an airplane. You look down, you see everybody's got a little pile of stuff. All the little piles of stuff. And when you leave your house, you gotta lock it up. Wouldn't want somebody to come by and take some of your stuff. They always take the good stuff. They never bother with that crap you're saving. All they want is the shiny stuff. That's what your house is, a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get...more stuff!

Sometimes you gotta move, gotta get a bigger house. Why? No room for your stuff anymore. Did you ever notice when you go to somebody else's house, you never quite feel a hundred percent at home? You know why? No room for your stuff. Somebody else's stuff is all over the goddamn place! And if you stay overnight, unexpectedly, they give you a little bedroom to sleep in. Bedroom they haven't used in about eleven years. Someone died in it, eleven years ago. And they haven't moved any of his stuff! Right next to the bed there's usually a dresser or a bureau of some kind, and there's NO ROOM for your stuff on it. Somebody else's shit is on the dresser.

Sometimes you leave your house to go on vacation. And you gotta take some of your stuff with you. Gotta take about two big suitcases full of stuff, when you go on vacation. You gotta take a smaller version of your house. It's the second version of your stuff. And you're gonna fly all the way to Honolulu. Gonna go across the continent, across half an ocean to Honolulu. You get down to the hotel room in Honolulu and you open up your suitcase and you put away all your stuff.

All material written and owned by George Carlin.

George Carlin is a complete RIOT to me, very cynical but very true indeed. America is one big shopping mall, there's the mini malls, strip mall, regular mall, outlet malls all kinds of malls and WHY because we need all those stores so we can continue shopping buying up STUFF that we don't even need!

How many pairs of shoes do you own? Too many

How many pairs of blue jeans do you own? Too many

How many coats/jackets/sweaters do you own? Too many

How many tv's are there in your house? More than 1

How many dvd's and cd's do you own that you don't use? A billion

How many different types of the same damn thing do you own? Too Many

If you looked over the calendar year and analyzed your bank acct looking for frivolous spends it probably would be more than 50% of your money....That's a scary idea to fathom.

We all know Black Friday is coming up and many people will be lined up even in a recession to make people happy with holiday gifts...... I know I'm not buying much of anything not even for myself because WHY I have alot of STUFF already. Even when I come home I drive past my neighbors houses who don't even park in their garages because there is a bunch of STUFF in there and they can't! I know us American's like oversized SUV's, double and triple cheeseburgers, extra large jewels etc etc but I'm vowing today to stop the madness in my house because I don't need anymore STUFF....

How about YOU?

Written by Dominique Carter on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 at 2:53pm