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Where are all the Men?

 We all know that Black women in particular have been complaining about the lack of desirable men to date and marry in their communities. Well where are all the men then? The answer is in prison or jail most likely so let's take a closer look into the system shall we.

Incarceration in the United States is a concurrent power under the Constitution of the United States, which means that prisons are operated under strict authority of both the federal and state governments. Incarceration is one of the main forms of punishment for the commission of felony offenses in the US.

The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world.

Generally, "prison" refers to facilities for holding convicted felons (offenders who commit crimes where the sentence is at least one year). Individuals awaiting trial, being held pending citations for non-custodial offenses, and those convicted of misdemeanors (crimes which carry a sentence of less than one year), are generally held in county jails. 

In the state of CA, to prevent violence, prisoners are segregated by race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation while held in county jails and in the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation's reception centers, where newly committed prisoners are assessed prior to being transferred to their "mainline", long-term institutions.

So since MOST of the formerly desirable candidates are now in prison or jail because of non violent crimes we are left to either be single or date out of our race, which I don't deem as a bad alternative. If and when these men do come home we have another set of issues to deal with. 

In a survey of 1,788 male inmates in Midwestern prisons by Prison Journal, about 21% claimed they had been coerced or pressured into sexual activity during their incarceration, and 7% claimed that they had been raped in their current facility.

Would you still consider the man you dated prior to prison heterosexual if he told you he was 'pressured' into anal & oral sex with other males while in prison? I wouldn't but a lot of these men do not consider themselves as homosexual, just a product of their environment so to speak.  Besides the sexual identity confusion this man can no longer vote let alone get a decent paying job so how is he supposed to support himself or his family once released? This is why so many revert back to the lifestyle that landed them in jail in the first place.

Also the entire purported purpose of going to prison or jail, unless you are convicted for a life sentence is rehabilitation although there is a high occurrence of recidivism in the prison population. Recidivism means the tendency to relapse into a previous mode of behavior. I know for sure if I were a male the mere thought of being gang raped by men would make me want to do right, I don't know about you! o_0 wowsers lol

Now let's talk about the living conditions in jail. I think they are too cushy if you ask me. We spend MILLIONS every year on prisoners, check out the numbers below: Source

The cost to put a single drug dealer in jail is about $450,000, composed of the following:

The cost for arrest and conviction is about $150,000.

The cost for an additional prison bed is about $50,000 to $150,000, depending upon the jurisdiction.

It costs about $30,000 per year to house a prisoner, with an average sentence of 5 years, that adds up to another $150,000.

The same $450,000 can provide treatment or education for about 200 people.

Now with that said I believe we do need prisons and jails to house our deviants of society, however I do not think they should be entitled to living a cushy life while in prison.

Here's my list on how to save:

Sheets with absolutely no thread count lol let it feel like cardboard on their skin

The cheapest pillows money can buy

Make them wear PINK undies

Ditch the orange jump suits for HOT PINK ones, that will make more men fly straight!

No condiments for their food just salt and pepper (no hot sauce, ketchup, mayo) for what this is not the Ritz Carlton.

I do believe they should get healthy food though because paying for the sick and shut in will only cost us more.

Every man should learn a trade.

Put them to work cleaning up the highways and byways of their cities.

Elementary schools & highschool's should be making fieldtrip's there to see first hand what they would experience if they went.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

Lipstick Diva,