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Keep Warm in the Winter for LESS

If you are a homeowner you know the gas bill to heat up your home in the winter months is NO joke. Here are some tips on how to save this winter:

1. Turn on your ceiling fan in the reverse motion to bring the heat down from the ceiling and back in circulation below.

2. Keep your thermostat on 68 degrees and layer even when indoors to save a few dollars ;0) Try snuggling up with your loved ones to keep toasty with a heating blanket.

3. Buy a space heater and close the heating vents in the rooms you barely use, there is no sense in heating the rooms you are not presently in.

4. Buy a heating mattress pad AND a heating blanket. Here is how I make my bed in the winter to maximize feeling like a bug in a rug.

First put on the heated mattress pad, next place a simple down comforter over the heating pad for added fluff so that you don't feel the coils within the heating pad, then put on the fitted sheet. Next put on a Microfiber plush blanket (those jammies feel great and will always be warm to the touch unlike your sheets), following put on your flat sheet followed by your top comforter of choice.

After a stay at the Ritz Carlton I started to mimic how they made their beds and I've been having a super comfy sleep ever since.

4. Buy a thermal blanket for your water heater so it is at a higher temperature and burns off less gas to heat up the water after being idle.

5. Bump up your attic insulation to keep heat from escaping your home.

6. Open the blinds/drapes and let the sunlight in to help heat up your home for FREE.

7. Lastly spend time outside your home and soak up the heat in places like the mall (unless you are a shopaholic) or the bookstore. They are both free and will have plenty of things to keep you entertained for hours.