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Extreme Couponing

Have you seen the TLC new show, Extreme Couponing, yet? Some of those people are out of control buying exorbitant amounts of items in bulk and just storing them in a garage simply because they got if for free or the ever so cliche saying, "For a great deal!". Talk about being a hoarder smh Anyway with that said I wanted to talk about my new found muse thanks to a friend who is a professional couponer lol Shout out to Caloria!

I have started buying 2 Sunday newspapers and clipping coupons in my Queen Anne chair just like an old maid would. In fact, I find it rather fun! You can save TONS of money with manufacturer and store coupons alike. For starters here is a Michael's coupon for the girls I will be Vision boarding with on Sunday!

Couponing is not just for the poor, elderly or mom's of the world. Anyone can benefit to save. I bet Oprah would use a coupon if she had one so you should too! Try it out for size. I am a beginner but I will tell you it helps to have organization. Get a binder or accordian style folder with clearly labeled envelopes for categories you often use like: toiletries, hair products, dairy, meat, paper goods etc. That way when you are shopping you won't be holding up the line or fumbling through your purse trying to find that coupon.

If you are an avid coupon share your secrets and let the rest of the lovelies know how to save save save!

For printable coupons check out http://printable-coupons.blogspot.com/

Have a great weekend dolls!