Yesterday while at a birthday party, a friend disclosed she did a 7 day detox eating just fruits and raw veggies excluding the following: no soda, no legumes, no sugar, no bread and ONLY juiced fresh fruits and drank water. She boasted that she felt livelier, more energetic and had a glowing complexion and I concur her skin looked great! I decided to do my own detox, I've done one in the past while on one of those 14 day diets whose name I can't recall right now. I do however remember how much water weight and dullness left my skin and body after the initial fruits and veggies only detox period. Right now I'm down to 135 but I still have a handful or two of fluffiness to get off before my wedding dress arrives in June.
This is me when I first started my go hard or go home fitness regimen in 09. I weighed 155 lbs in this picture ;-0 No bueno
This is me the following summer in Mexico around about 140lbs or so I gained more muscle and got toned from hiking.
This is me now at 135lbs and subtracting. I think if I lose my stomach completely that will take me down another 5-7 lbs and then I'd be completely blissful.
Listen to Tisha Campbell's fitness story and why she wants to be healthy.