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I Want That!

This year with the wedding and futuristic family planning that goes with starting a family I have put myself on a budget. A friend of mine started a 2011 Shopping Diet that goes a little like this:


Take a certain amount out of the bank for the week, or month and don't use your credit card or bank card. When you see the cash you are spending you are more likely to curb the spending.
When you get paid, pay yourself 1st = save money

Budget how you are going to spend your money: daily, weekly, monthly and stick to that budget.

Cut corners where you can (do your own hair, mani & pedi, do your own laundry instead of the drop off)

Donate your stuff or do a clothing exchange with your friends, or sell things that you don’t use or need. Part of the reason we have so much stuff that we don’t use is the clutter we have in our lives. Declutter!!!

If you drive, try carpooling and ask people to chip in for gas money.

Start cooking, eat out less and find free ways to entertain yourself.

Find a new way to earn extra income or trade favors (helps you save and builds you network).

Invest in your community, unless it’s much cheaper to shop in another area.

Lastly when you meet a milestone (ie save $100 extra) treat yourself to something small.

That’s all I got, I’m a work in progress so feel free to send me your tips on how to save. We all need to help at some point.

So with that said my biggest spending vice is toiletries i.e. makeup, soap, lotion, hair products, and nail polish galore etc. To save money in this area I will only purchase what I NEED for the month and that's it. No new polish colors, I have lots to use already. No new eyeshadows as I have plenty of colors in my arsenal. No new fab condish I already have  found my staples. The only area I allow myself a splurge is for lashes as they are disposable and need to be replaced, other than that I plan to use what I have and save for a rainy day.

All things considered, I'm still a girl that loves to shop and I often see things that I want but not necessarily need. I still want to keep a list of these items though so when I DO reach my milestone I can treat myself to a lil sumin sumin ya know. Whew that was a mouthful! lol Therefore I started another Lipstick category called, "I Want That!" starting with this post. I'm sure there are a few lovelies that may find some of my 'needs' quite intriguing so it's a win win ;0) 

For starters here a few items I have on my mind:

MAC Wanders Lipstick in Catharina $22 USD

This pink color is so pretty to me and perfect for my complexion. I love it!

Caruso Roller Set $26 USD

I heard about these on the Mop Top Maven's blog. Now I don't need another set of rollers as mine are just fine but I wanted to give the ion rollers a spin. 

White Sheep Skin Rug $40 USD

I used this kind of rug in a room I designed for a friend last year and want one for my bedroom. They are super comfy and available at IKEA. I also saw a large one at Sam's Club while in Tennessee. I love the tile color too by the way ;0)

Are you on a shopping diet or challenge savings plan this year? How are you cutting corners to save a buck? Share your tips here so we can all benefit. 

Lipstick Diva,