Turbans they are coming as the new trend for this spring/summer. They actually give that ethnic touch that your look needs! You can see turbans in every color and fabric! And actually you don't even have to buy anything, if you have a scarf that you really like just do a DIY with it and you'll have your turban, it's dead easy!

Si no te gusta cubrirte la cabeza entera en verano o no te convencen los turbantes puedes probar éste estilo que también esta genial y lo puedes hacer con cualquier pañuelo o trozo de tela chulo que tengas en tu armario!
If you don't like to have all the head cover in summer or you are not convinced with the whole turban you can try this style, which is actually pretty cool as well and you can do it with any scarf or piece of fabric of your wardrobe! It's really trendy and it looks
Incluso los hombres se están sumando a ésta tendencia! En mi opinion es un poco demasiado para ellos pero definitivamente depende de tu estilo y de quién lo lleve, como por ejemplo éstos dos chicos son alucinantes y no les puede quedar mejor los turbantes!
Even MEN is starting to wear turbans. I think it might be too much in men but, it definitely depends on who wears it. For example these two gentelmen just nailed it with those turbans.