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Bootylicious over being Healthy

 I've often heard from black women various excuses as to why they choose to skip exercising ranging from not wanting to sweat out their perms to men liking women with jiggly booties and to that I say "Chile Please!" I'm often perplexed by a woman raving about how 'ALL black men' like their women to have a rump shaker. Firstly I'm wondering how does she know what ALL men like and why are you concerning yourself with what ALL men like? Shape your body how YOU want it to look and a man who likes that will love you for you. It saddens me to hear that black women don't want to shape up, lose weight and be healthy all in an effort to appeal to men.

You can work out hard, eat healthy foods and STILL keep your curves and NO you don't have to compare yourself to the likes of celebs with a nutritionist, trainer and chef on deck. You can be your own nutritionist, personal trainer and chef extraordinaire, it just takes a little discipline and determination.

One of my favorite methods of exercise is running. You may not be able to run an 8 minute mile just yet but walking at a brisk pace for miles will definitely help get you there. Try teaming up with a girlfriend or take your dog with you for company.

Join a walking group like, Girl Trek:

A super fun and effective way to tone your abs and correct posture is through hula hooping. Grab a bright colored hoop, take it to the park and get to twirling girlfriend!

So you think you can dance? Well why not? Dancing is a great method of exercising, even if you don't have any rhythm! Pole Dance much? ♥

If going to the gym is not your thing, try intense rounds of circuit training at home. I love to watch Zuzana from Body Rock TV on Youtube. She is awesome!

You can also hike to greater heights to burn off calories and tone your entire body. If you don't live near a mountain try hiking up a steep hill for exercise.

As a last resort to shedding pounds quickly or detoxifying your body you can try a cleanse. Beyonce' appeared on Oprah mentioning that she turned to the Master Cleanse, a liquid diet, to help her shed pounds fast. According to research, the "Master Cleanse" is a liquid diet that purports to cleanse and detoxify the body while reportedly stimulating healthy tissue growth. Also known as the "Master Cleanse Lemonade Fast," the "Lemonade Diet," or the "Lemonade Fast," the liquid diet fast was popularized by a book named The Master Cleanse by Stanley Burroughs. Though Beyonce said that she also ate vegetables during the 14 days that she followed the diet fast, the Master Cleanse fast has been described as consisting of "a concoction of fresh lime or lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper mixed with water," that is consumed 6 - 12 times a day, along with an "herbal laxative tea... taken twice a day, and no other food is consumed." "I was cranky," Beyonce admitted to Oprah about her emotional state while on the Master Cleanse diet fast.