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Cut costs and live cheaply

I'm sure you have heard or seen the new show on TLC, Extreme couponing, and perhaps are a savvy saver yourself. With the mindset of saving and eating healthy as well as leading a healthier life, I've been watching a netflix documentary entitled, No Impact Man.  The movie is about a family of three on a 1 year experiment to leave as little a footprint or impact on the environment and in turn living a healthier lifestyle. The father made a compost for their trash, no more Starbucks for the Mom or Chinese take out because you can not create any waste, brushing teeth with baking soda, no carbon dioxide which means traveling on foot or bike, and only shaving with a real razors- no more disposables. They even switched their infant daughter to cloth diapers as it was stated diapers are a HUGE percentage of the waste found in landfills. I thought about using cloth diapers when I have a child. We all know diapers are super expensive and if you are staying at home as a mom why not? Save some bucks on the plastic and help out the environment.

Speaking of bucks and foods, Wholefoods, Trader Joe's & Goodness grocery are some of my favorite places to shop. It is definitely more expensive to shop there as opposed to Wal-mart but in the grand scheme of things it is actually cheaper.

Do you think you could live like this family and go without toilet paper, lights, elevators, television, eating locally and living with a compost?

How do you cut costs and live a healthier lifestyle on the cheap?

Check out this challenge to eat better on Owning Pink

I'm up for the challenge of eating healthier and with that said today I will post what I have consumed so far: 
This morning I grabbed a jolly rancher off my counter and popped it in my mouth. I don't think that counts as breakfast but because my fiance' bought them of course I wanted it. 

Later on I ate a nectarine and shortly followed it up with an Asian Pear. Those things are super yummy! 

For lunch I ate a few spoon fulls of seafood pasta from Publix, mental note never buy that again and then I ate some Chickpea salad. Love that stuff!

Before I head out for the day I will eat some of this sad looking banana on my desk and think about a healthy dinner for this evening. 

*To the ladies who are on the 60 day fitness challenge please update this post with your fitness experiences thus far as well as what you have been eating*

Sharing is SEXY ♥

Don't you want to live to see your 100th birthday? I do ♥ sans the cig lol