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It must suck to be a Celeb

You know we all look to the celebs to tell us how great life can be with an endless amount of cash to your disposal but here lately I've been thinking that it must suck to be a celebrity. The power couple Jay Z and Beyonce' have cleverly decided to mask their personal lives behind the privacy of closed doors. I think that was a great move on both of their parts as often when being interviewed neither of them chooses to disclose too much about their lives. This morning on the drive in I heard someone on the Rickey Smiley show exclaim that she gives the marriage another 3 years max based on the fact that you never see them displaying affection publicly. WTH so just because folks slob each other down infront of paparazzi means their marriage is set to last a life time?

"Last week, a new report suggested that Beyonce and Jay Z had come to the decision to try a “trial separation” because their marriage was in serious trouble and they wanted to see if there was anything left to salvage. Today, we can easily say the report was inaccurate"
Reading quotes like the one above must make some celebs furious, what gives these gossip bloggers and critics the right to slander their marriage and predict without evidence that it is going down hill. They seem pretty happy to me. I think it would benefit our divorced ravaged country as a whole if we promoted happy marriages instead of making bets on divorce.