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On your Mark, Get Set, Go!

Happy Friday Lovelies and today is the start of my 60 Day Fitness Challenge. Be sure to join us on the journey over 60 days to greater fitness heights. All entries must be submitted today by 11:59 PM EST to be considered valid. 
I want us all to start together and end victoriously!

The fitness challenge will last for 60 days or roughly two months starting April 01 through May 31st, just in time for that Memorial Day barbecue. The rules are simple. 
*Open to BLOG FOLLOWERS ONLY* Follow the blog to join the challenge.

1. Take a before picture of yourself (head on) and send it to me at lipstickmanual@gmail.com on April 1st. Put Fitness Challenge in the subject line.

*No sucking in your tummy or photoshop either lol let's make this a fair challenge*

2. Challenge yourself to work out at least 4 days per week by any means necessary.
    *I will be running, hiking or lifting weights to sculpt my desired X shape*

3. On June 1st submit your after picture of yourself (head on).
*Try to wear athletic gear or something like leggings and a closely fitting top so that we can see what you're working with, don't be shy, we are all in this together*

I will post the before and after pictures of all the participants in a blog post and we will vote on the winner, being the person who has the most dramatic improvement. We should be able to see if you've lost inches and weight by the picture so take a close enough shot of your body.

I don't wish to compare pounds, inches or body fat specifically as that will be way too technical and difficult for everyone's body, shape & height etc. Plus you can't verify those things; however a picture always tells the truth.

The winner with the most votes shall receive a 60 minute massage certificate courtesy of Lipstick Manual to reward the lovely for all that hard work.

Invite a friend to participate, follow the blog and join in on the challenge. ;0)

I will be posting a weekly fitness blog on healthy foods & exercise moves as an open forum for those participating to share what's working for them and celebrate successes. Taking baby steps and celebrating your achievements will help you reach that milestone on May 31st so be sure to tune in and share your stories. 

Are you game?