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? Thumbs Down

"Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is."
Albert Camus
It always puzzles me when reading blogs, forums, article comments and even Youtube channels the amount of backlash, negativity and naysayers there are in this world. Adults are just plain cruel and here I'm thinking kids were mean. I wonder why that is? Why do certain walks of people feel it necessary to dump a load of shit on someone else because it doesn't suit their fancy? It is one thing to disagree or have an opposed opinion but it is another to be blatantly disrespectful just because. We are all unique, different and special in our own way and simply because you don't think her 'style' is fly doesn't make it factual, that is just one man's opinion. I've found that when people go against the grain, step outside the box and own their individuality that scares folks. People don't know what to do with 'different', they can't tame 'different' and so the common result is vulgarity, disrespect, and the act of putting that person down in order to put them back in their  "place" i.e. where you think they should be. Who does she think she is? Herself, who else?
I cram to understand why folks have to leave negative commentary on someone's  choice of expression.  If you don't like it, great, obviously they do, so what's it to you? 
If you are one of those people being subjected to this bs