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How'd you Meet?

This weekend in between laughs, I asked my Uncle Toni how he met my Aunt. I recall meeting him way back when in the Bronx but only vaguely. We lived in the same complex too, shout out to Concourse Village East side! Anyway he said 'Your aunt always walked past the laundrymat (that was the hang out spot for guys) and she wore these black sheer stockings with a red coat, I was sold! lol That is the cutest thing! I remembering hearing my dad state how my mom had the best legs in Harlem and that is what got him hooked. I love hearing from couples how they met and what the main attraction was. Don't you? 
I met my fiance' at LA Fitness. One day he asked for a moment of my time while I was awaiting my kickboxing class to start. We chatted afterwards and he asked if I was single, unfortunately I wasn't but I was unhappily so and had to let him go. The universe must have wanted us together because ever since I would always see him out and about in the community at the gas station, at the gym, at the bookstore. I kept running in to him so I decided it was fate. I ended up breaking up with my then boyfriend and after some time of careful observation, because I wanted to make sure he wasn't one of those guys that hits on every girl at the gym, I gave him my number. 

At first I thought the scales would be unbalanced with me the female, giving the male my number and if I listened to those silly relationship articles I'd be stuck thinking and dreaming about a man riding on his white horse in a tuxedo to sweep me off my feet. In all actuality he did approach me first and had I been single then the cards would have been as 'they' say they should be; man seeks woman and seals the deal. 

The morale of the story is sure every girl likes romance but the fact of the matter is, there is a lot of competition out there so if you see someone you like, go for it because I assure you the next woman will ♥