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Pretty Girls carry Pearl Handle Glocks

So if you haven't read my previous post about my run in with the deer on the farm, please click here. In that post I stated that I liked to run with as little baggage as possible and with that often I choose to leave my cell in the car. Well yesterday I ran with my dog and mace spray in hand, thanks to my Aunt Deb ☺ I was knackered to say the least since I haven't been out there all week and even did an extra trail just to make up for the slacking. After I had enough, Juicy and I were walking back towards the cross street and I see an old navy blue Oldsmobile creeping by. I'm thinking ok this perv sees a girl in shorts and wants to get a glimpse. Fine keeping it moving homeboy! Then this negro turns into the parkinglot and slowly drives by again! Now I'm pissed. I didn't dare go to my car, I continued to walk aimlessly about and stopped to stretch on a log so he wouldn't see what car I drove. THEN I walked closer to the street to see if he had left but NOOOOOOOOOOOO he stopped another runner to ask for directions. Now mind you, I've seen his car around there before and I know damn well he wasn't lost. So with that said I'm getting a gun and I will shoot his ass if need be. It is a damn shame you can't go for a run, hike or bike in the woods without having to worry about folks trying to rape and kill you. I used to run the Silver Comet Trail until I heard about the female biker who was murdered in 2006, the year I moved up there! Click here to read the details of that story. Her killer was recently given the death penalty. 

Jennifer Ewing endured dozens of punches and kicks — alive for each one — but it was a stomp on her chest that broke her ribs and caused her to suffocate, the state medical examiner said.

If you are interested in obtaining a gun permit in GA read here.

Did you hear that NYC may have a serial killer on their hands? Someone has killed 10 prostitutes and is still on the loose.  0-o

I do not intend to tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death and will take any precautions necessary to enjoy my life as I should!