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Want a baby? Apply Here

If you follow my fan page on Facebook you will often see me posting cutie pies like the one above. It's no secret to those that know me that I want a baby, to have a family to call my own some day. But with that said comes oodles of responsibility, not to mention money, and I'm so glad I waited until my 30s to get married and plan my family. Plan, operative keyword here. 
I was just talking with someone at work this week and he exclaimed, "People ought to have a license to have kids!" I couldn't agree more, especially when you see 'ratchets' posing with their kids, smoking weed, dranking alcohol and letting the little boy cup their breasts like this foolishness below.


You have to have a license/ID/permit to board a plane, drive a car, own a gun, apply for a job, own a boat, go fishing and the list goes on. What a person can do WITHOUT a license is have a child. You can create a human life without instruction or registration, but you can't fish for catfish without permission from the state. Does this make sense?
Should someone like her above be allowed to have children? My thoughts, "Hell to the naw shawty!" WTF is wrong with her brain, where is the disconnect? Doe she think this is cute? This picture is FREE for all to view and laugh at on the internet and will be there forever, yep so when the little tike is old enough he can view the shame himself. smh 
This is exactly why people should be more mindful and responsible when having children. Sure anyone with healthy ovaries and sperm can make a baby, but it takes way more than that to raise one responsibly, not to mention a boat load of money, preferably your own and not the tax payers ☺, I'm just saying..... I have often wondered if as many people would become parents if they had to go through the rigorous screening that adoptive parents go through.

With that said if there were an actual license application for a baby or to become a parent what questions should one have to answer? Comments are welcomed ☺

Here are some of the questions adoptive parents must answer during their screening process: 
1. What do you feel are the strong points in your marriage? 
2. What qualities do you appreciate most in your spouse?
3. If you could change anything about them what would it be?
4. Describe your views and approach to parenting including discipline.
5. What activities do you enjoy doing with your spouse?
6. What activities do you enjoy doing separately from your spouse?
7. What things do you wish to do as a family?
8. What goals are you working towards in your marriage?
9. Why do you want to have children?
10. At this time what type of child do you feel you can parent?
11. What experiences have you had that warrant this ability to parent this type of child?
12. What are your expectations for this child?
13. How will you handle the situations where your child does not meet those expectations?
14. What things could you absolutely NOT accept from your child and Why?
15. What are your views on religion and how will you introduce them to this child?
16. What is your plan for child care?
17. What is your greatest fear concerning becoming a parent?