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We Run this Town

So yesterday I was supposed to attend my circus fitness class but because I had a LONG and stressful day at work and just wanted to go home, I skipped it. Anyways after stuffing my face with my homemade mac and cheese with a little salad sprinkled on the side lol I started feeling apologetic to my abs lol and took my ass to the farm for a short run. It was about 7:30 PM when I left the house and although the sunset looked so pretty I knew I did not want to be out in those woods in the dark. When I pulled up to the parking lot I saw about 4 deer grazing the farm and feeding on the grass. Awww I thought how cute. I decided not to do the 5.6 mile trail but a shorter one in lieu of just burning a few calories and making a conservative effort. Truthfully I had a gut full of cheese and pasta so there was NO way I would be able to run that long of a distance before the sun set. 

After normal hours on the farm the air is quiet and still, just you and the trees, no one else around. I didn't feel eerie at first because there were about 6 other cars in the lot but I guess we were all on different trails because I only saw one other man other there. I was almost on the home stretch and upon coming over the hill I ran into about 10 deer with a huge male sporting large antlers to boot. He kept eyeing me as if to protect his females. I slowed my run to a sad and nervous jog thinking "Hey Mr deer I mean NO harm, just passing through OK no need to charge lol" smh What if they tried to attack me? What on Earth would I do? I had no phone and nothing but my dukes to defend myself smh I would have been stuck up in a tree until my fiance' came to look for me lol I need to start carrying some type of weapon for self defense, if not from animals, most certainly from any creeps that may be lurking. So that was the highlight and fright of my day lol I braved the woods all because I ate that dang on mac n cheese smh For the love of food! 

If I had to be stuck on an island with nothing else to eat at all I would choose CHEESE, what about you? lol