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Before Sleep
-Ezra Pound
The lateral vibrations caress me,
They leap and caress me,
They work pathetically in my favour,
They seek my financial good.

She of the spear stands present.
The gods of the underworld attend me, O Annubis,
These are they of thy company.
With a pathetic solicitude they attend me;
Their realm is the lateral courses.

I am up to follow thee, Pallas.
Up and out of their caresses.
You were gone up as a rocket,
Bending your passages from right to left and from left to right
In the flat projection of a spiral.
The gods of drugged sleep attend me,
Wishing me well;
I am up to follow thee, Pallas.

The Jewel Stair's Grievance
-Ezra Pound
The jewelled steps are already quite white with dew,
It is so late that the dew soaks my gauze stockings,
And I let down the crystal curtain
And watch the moon through the clear autumn.
-Ezra Pound
Green arsenic smeared on an egg-white cloth,
Crushed strawberries! Come, let us feast our eyes

*I want to apologize for my lack of posts lately. I have been extremly and inconviniently busy with both school and working/travelling back and forth to Los Angeles and am left with almost no time to sleep, let alone post. I have however, been keeping up on my reading and visits to the library in my spare time. Also, I recently have been quite inspired to write my own poetry again after about a month long lull lacking any creative or emotionally charged ideads and inspiration. Currently, I am reading a collection of Ezra Pound's early writings including many of his longer poems and essays. I am especially interested in his essays debating the notion and definition of art and aesthetics. I am truly grateful that I became acquainted with his work. His writing is so obscurely good that it keeps giving me the chills, no lie. I especially love L'Art. I don't really even understand it or comprehend the statement combined with its title that it is triyng to present. But his diction to me, makes me feel, somehow, like I get what he is talking about in some absrtact, unifying sense. 
Here is a clip from one of his documentaries that I found. It's always far more fascinating to hear the poet read his own poem, I think. You recieve and think about it much differently than you would otherwise. 

playlist of the moment:
where you'll find me now-neutral milk hotel
islands-the xx
heart skipped a beat-the xx
i found a reason-the velvet underground
three peaches-neutral milk hotel
i will never love you more-soko
creatures-the adolescents
look on down from the birdge-mazzy star
where did you sleep last night?- nirvana
that's that-cass mccombs
bright eyes-simon and garfunkel
wonderwall-cat power

Photo cred:
all photos found on google images and are film stills from the Luis Benuel and Salvador Dali's
"un chien andalou."
I watched this film the other day and fell in love with it. That is "in love," in every sense of the state of being. I loved it but it also was a bit grpahic, disturbing, uncomfortable and nauseating just like love is. 
But its awesome!!!
watch the whole thing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVbTEVfLksU