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Do you ever have one of those days?.......

Today is Day 2 of my Project 365 and I was not feeling 'pretty' at all ;0( I got all dressed up in a hurry I might add because we were watching The Watchman this afternoon but after my mad dash to get ready I wasn't feeling it and I refused to be seen in public. This mood of feeling blah was much to my dismay because I had previously RSVP'd to a dinner for a friend but I just had to cancel. I know I know very flaky of me but hey I just couldn't do it. Nothing seemed to go right. I had an outfit in mind and then couldn't find the dress lol I know crazy right. It has to be in one of these closets in my room. So then I just threw on whatever was in my reach and that started the downward spiral. I put my makeup on, some new powder I bought from Sephora that seemed a total different shade now that I was at home applying it on my own ugggh! Then I wasn't really feeling my hair all that much. Last night I did a two strand twist and took it out today. It looked fine but somehow the picture doesn't do it justice. Anywho I'm still getting used to wearing it in these no heat styles.... So back to sitting on the couch I went. This is just a mess. Tomorrow better be more promising dangit! Oh and I'm looking forward to my hike tomorrow too. I finally put some music on my new pink ipod with the help of Jason of course lol Technology smology some of these directions are just written for aliens or something. I just can't seem to get a good run in without music and going to hike these past couple days without music, since my sad little ipod shuffle died, has been like torture; but for the love of wanting to see my abs again I went out and conquered the mountain. Singing, "Ain't no mountain high enough to keep me from youuuuuuuuu! " Nighty Nighty ya it's time to call this a day ;0)