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FREE to be You & ME

Free to be You and Me..... Have you ever listened to the song Free to be You and Me by Marlo Thomas? The lyrics are so liberating especially in my current state of transition, evolution and growth. I'm not just talking about my hair. I'm talking about ME as a person as a WOMAN.
One of the lyrics states, "In this land, every girl grows to be her own WOMAN." I wish this were really true but it's not. Somehow we are born perfect little beauties and yet on our journey through life our views become warped and distorted along the way. We start to 'alter' our original makeup inorder to conform to societal norms whether that be through hair extensions, chemical processing, weaves etc . I recall being natural back in elementary school and wanting to perm my hair. I even wrote my mother a letter asking if I could get extensions lol I guess I wanted to look like the other girls but I'm glad that my mother preserved my natural tresses for as long as she did. Thanks MOM ;0) I know if and when I do have a daughter I will do the same for her. Teaching your children to love themselves and have great self confidence is the most important building block of character because after all as John Mason so brilliantly put it,"You are born original, don't die a copy!"
Having a Happy Hair Journey,