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Birth Control

Question: What do you call a couple who uses the rhythm method for birth control?

Answer: Parents!

Recently I've been considering using another method of contraception as time draws nearer to my wedding date. I haven't used oral contraception, in the method of birth control pills, in years. This is mainly due to the fact that they always made me feel nauseated. I would also often forget to take them daily then having to double up leading to more nausea. I decided one day to forego the BCP's altogether and just use condomns. So far so good, no scares in my book.

Just this past weekend I was talking to my older cousin about having a child. She reassured me that most black women don't have issues conceiving no matter how young or old they are, she believes this is reserved for another race of women. I, however, am skeptical about taking birthcontrol now that I have finally met my mate and we are getting married in 312 days ;0) Mind you I am not planned to conceive during our honeymoon; however I do plan to ditch the plastic lol Isn't that one of the most cherished luxuries of marriage?

During my most recent visit to the good ole' OBGYN she asked if I wanted any BCP's but I kindly declined. Now I'm reconsidering and will be conducting some research on the best ones on the market. I sure hope I don't have to pay another co-pay to discuss my options. Surely we can do this via telephone.

What are your opinions on birthcontrol these days? What do you use and what are your reviews on the product? Please do share. Thanks ;0)