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The Family Man

I'm sure if you are in Atlanta or even Wisconsin you have heard the scandal news regarding Bishop Eddie Long of NewBirth Baptist Church. In our US of A we go by the rule, Innocent until proven Guilty; however since I know first hand the woes of sexual abuse I tend to judge more quickly whenever a person is accused of doing such a heinous crime particularly so when it involves a youth. Bishop Eddie Long has been known to speak outwardly and vehemently against homosexuality. He has even led a peaceful march through the streets of Atlanta in protest of Gays back in 2004. An article can be found here.

Now I know that no man is perfect and we ALL are sinners. No sin is more detrimental than the next one. Even with this in mind, when one is so adamantly against gays and then is accused of being a closet homosexual who is not only a Bishop but respected leader in the community AND has molested, sodomized and coerced young men to please his vice one has to stop and consider logic and common sense. All accusers were of legal age, 16 in GA, so therefore this can not be a criminal case but civil in lieu of them being young adults. I tend to think even if he is convicted and pays a hefty settlement, how can you really put a monetary amount on pain & suffering? Does money ever ease pain? It surely doesn't erase history that's certain!

In my humble opinion, with having a former closet homosexual in my family through marriage and seeing the damage done emotionally & mentally to his ex wife and daughter, he should be given more punishment than having to fork over a few dollars. After all, he is perpetrating as a heterosexual, married man of God to the entire world. How embarrassed must his wife and children be? People ought to be held accountable for their actions even if you are a leader, politician or person of great wealth. I guess at the end of the day no man is without sin so we must all be absent of judgement but........ I'm human ;0)

What are your thoughts on the story?