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Socializing the new Social Phobia

Yesterday on Facebook someone posed a question asking, "Do birds of a feather flock together?" My thinking on the topic is typically yes. Like minds tend to congregate together whether it be because of status, sexual interests, drinking, sports whatever. I for one am not a social butterfly by any stretch of the imagination. I never have been, some people are and some are not. I tend to gravitate towards building meaningful intimate relationships with actual friends as opposed to simply racking up miles on the social scene. Now don't get me wrong I did hang with the girls in my early 20's going to the latest spot, clubbing and just getting up for drinks. I do miss that now but I'm still not interested in just going out to do so. I want to be around people I actually like and who care about me.

Now a days people tend to socialize via social media sites. Social sites and how we communicate these days, is incredible. The funny thing is, I am a HUGE person on communication between people, couples and marriage; but you know it's bad when you log into a social site just to read what your loved one is thinking or doing. This makes me feel that lack of communication has been taken to a whole new level. Just think how impersonal it is for you not to be able to sit with your significant other and talk person to person, instead both of you sit at a computer looking at each others Face book and laugh about what happen to them that day. Is that now the new fad on relationships?

I know I have definitely fallen back from socializing as much as I have in the past. The last relationship I was in mostly revolved around socializing as he loved clubbing. Now that I am older, more settled in who I am and who I am with I tend to spend more quality time building my relationship. After all, we have full-time work, full-time school, Interior Design projects, Photography projects, and the dogs to devote our time to. Then on top of that you tack on family and friends and you have no more time lol

With that said, come on folks, Peeps, Homies, Homeslices, Compadres, distinguished ladies and gentlemen…lets get out and mingle with live humans. I know a few ladies in mind that I haven't seen in Lord knows when. I will be contacting them to hang out in the VERY near future. So, everyone get up and go out…don’t be shy and share your thoughts, pictures and happy birthdays - in person.

Erin Alana you are on deck first '0)

Much Love,

Lipstick Diva