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Feeling Charitable

A few weeks ago I watched Oprah's show on hoarding and laughed out loud when the guest speaker mentioned to Oprah that some people don't just hoard trash and miscellaneous items they hoard material possessions like SHOES. Even if your closet is well organized and you know where everything is doesn't mean that you don't hoard. His statement caused me to evaluate my own closet and spending habits. I know that I am not on the level of the hoarders featured on her show but I do tend to buy out of impulse and simply for immediate gratification when shopping.

Now that I'm approaching a new age and decade of my life (30) I want to change my mentality when it comes to my finances and be more responsible. Last night I did a quick inventory of my shoes and chose two pairs of knee boots and several pairs of stilletoes to give to my favorite thrift store. I discovered shoes that I haven't worn in years like my hot pink suede knee boots lol I tried them on and strut around my room even asking Jason if I ought to keep them. He quickly replied NO! smh I even recall the day I purchased them in Middlebury, Vermont while away on my summer internship. I thought they were so hot but I can't really see myself as a 30 year old woman sporting those hot pink boots. I'll donate them and let a younger woman give them a new home. The only thing about giving away my shoes that I tend to regret is the ever recycling trend in fashion. What's hot now may not be next year but perhaps again in 5-10 years.

What about you? Do you have way too many bottles of nail polish, shoes, handbags, bracelets, earrings, necklaces.....whatever?