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Anti Aging Skincare

"Ninety-five percent of wrinkles are due to sun exposure," says Doris Day, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology at New York University Medical Center. I can remember my mother always telling me make sure you put on sunscreen and I'd just wave her off thinking my skin looks great, I'm a teen and I don't need no stinking sunscreen. I always loved the beach and just sitting in the sun period. It made me feel energized, literally, like the sun's rays on my skin gave me life. Now I know so much better and at the age of 30 I am frantically slathering on anti aging serums nightly to protect my delicate skin. 

I started using anti aging products a few years ago. It started with anti aging soaps or choosing those with uber moisturizing properties. Now I'm full force with my Clarisonic in hand gently going over my under eye area and applying vitamin enriched creams before bed. 'I don't want to look old' lol A new friend recently asked me to take off my sunnies so she could see my face because every time we hiked I never took them off, not even for a second and she didn't know what I looked like in person without them lol The sun is the devil as far as I'm concerned and I don't want premature crows feet and leathery skin because of it.This is a picture of myself and my 98 year old Aunt. Her skin looks amazing for her age. She has used petroleum vaseline for the most part to moisturize her skin throughout the years. A lot of people swear by petroleum based products and those that contain mineral oil like Baby oil; however in recent years studies have shown that these ingredients are harmful and toxic. I choose not to use mineral based or petroleum derivatives because they essentially create a barrier not letting anything out or in and in turn can clog your pores. For someone like me with very acne prone and oily skin this combination of not allowing the skin to breathe and purge as it should is a definite no no.

Some anti aging products promise to reduce and erase wrinkles. I'm not sure if I believe that one bit but to avoid the problem I wanted to share a few natural anti aging ingredients you can start using now. 

Vitamin A 
Vitamin A has been used for decades to control skin aging and promote youthfulness. Many anti aging products and anti aging skin care lines contain Vitamin A and its derivatives, including retinol. Vitamin A improves the functions of epithelial cells and counteracts any damages that are caused by environmental factors and free radicals. A skin care anti wrinkle cream that contains Vitamin A helps improve skin tone and bring back youthful glow.

Water moisturizes our skin, hair and nails from the inside out.  Drinking ample water is one of the most important factors in having great skin.

Green Tea
There have been a number of encouraging studies of skin benefits of green tea. Animal studies showed protection from skin cancer. Both animal and human studies have credibly demonstrated that topical green tea formulations reduce sun damage. Green tea appears to exert sun damage protection by quenching free radicals and reducing inflammation rather than by blocking UV rays. Therefore, green tea may synergistically enhance sun protection when used in addition to a sunscreen. Considering their well-documented antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, topical green tea polyphenols are likely to slow down the development of some signs of aging. Whether green tea can actually diminish wrinkles and skin sag is far more uncertain. http://www.smartskincare.com

Vitamin C
A known antioxidant, Vitamin C offers the same kind of protection against wrinkle-causing free radicals as Vitamin A. In some preparations, Vitamin C is used for its lightening effect, which helps even out skin tone and promotes a more youthful appearance. This is why many divas use extracts from lemons and other citrus fruits to lighten blemishes and make their skin appear brighter.

Vitamin E
Another antioxidant, Vitamin E is the skin vitamin, effective in keeping cells fresh and young. With the right formulation, it makes an excellent moisturizer and helps care for the skin to improve its appearance. Used regularly, cosmetics and products that contain Vitamin E can provide a reliable line of defence against unwanted skin issues. You can use the vitamin capsules as a topical treatment or simply buy it in liquid form to apply to your face and neck area.

Shea Butter
Shea butter comes from the Mangifolia or Shea tree found in Western Africa. It acts as a gentle moisturizer, so it’s excellent for use as a preventative measure against wrinkles. It is one of the most sought-after ingredients in anti ageing skin care not just because it’s gentle but also because it’s effective. I love Shea butter, although it smells nutty I mix it with natural oils or scented lotion to make my skin supple and even toned.

Although sunscreen and sunblock do not directly target wrinkles, they are commonly used in many cosmetics and anti wrinkle products. Sun damage is considered as one of the main culprits in causing the appearance of premature wrinkles. As a result, many manufacturers incorporate sun protection factor into their products. These days, sunblocks and sunscreens can be found in different types of cosmetics including lipsticks, lip balms and foundations.

Also a few tidbits I've started doing, especially since I wear makeup are as follows:

Immediately wash my face when I come home to wipe off the free radicals and dirt from the day.

ONLY buy products that are meant for my skin type which goes for makeup and cleaning agents. This saves tons of money and headaches from breakouts.

Wash my face twice or three times, first with a makeup remover cloth and then with a cleanser. 

Exfoliate daily with the use of my Clarisonic Pro as well as gentle exfoliators that contain papaya or citrus enzymes like pineapple, lemon or orange to brighten my complexion. I also use exfoliating gloves to slough off any dead skin cells on my body to expose the healthier more vibrant ones. I prefer the gloves over the loofah and since I can reach my back with my arms folded behind me I really don't need the long armed brushes.

Tone my face to close my pores and make sure that no dirt or makeup remains after I've cleansed. Sometimes you'd be surprised that your skin may still be dirty even after you've washed if you didn't do a thorough job. 

Moisturize after ever cleanse. I have a sign in my closet collage that says "I will not go to bed with my dayface on". I used to be lazy about my skincare regimen and skipped steps so that I could sleep lol but now I am babying my skin and hair like I should. 

I also use mask depending on my skins needs. I should be doing this on a weekly basis at the same time of my hairs deep conditioning treatments to kill two birds with one stone. 

Treat myself to a monthly facial in preparation for my wedding day. I think I will continue this practice as long as I can afford to. ☺ 

Clean my laptop and phone daily. I have acne prone skin and I wear makeup so I have to be very conscious of bacteria. I am trying diligently to wipe down my phone and computer at work as well as home to avoid coming in contact with nasty bacteria which makes sebum and leads to unsightly acne. I also started to change out my pillow cases and clean my headscarf more regularly too.

What are your anti aging skincare secrets? 
Please feel free to share ♥