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The Science of Evil

Last night we watched the documentary, The Science of Evil, which was purposed to discover if every human being is capable of exhibiting characteristics of evil. Of course we all know there are extremes of emotion when it comes to evil. One example discussed in the film was the notorious Jeffrey Dahmer. Jeffrey Dahmer requested to be baptized after being sentenced to death. The priest that performed the baptism questioned his faith and whether or not he should be associated with such a character as well as if one like Dahmer could in fact be forgiven for such heinous acts. What do you think? Does Jesus forgive all who come to him in sorrow?

Now in examples of some not so heinous acts participants of a study were asked questions such as this:

You are a villager who escaped with your child in arms as rebels attacked your village. All the townspeople gather together in a huddle in hiding from the rebels. Your child starts to cry so you put your hand over her mouth but you know that if you keep it there you will not only smother her to death but the rebels will kill all the townspeople. Do you smother your child to save the lives of the other villagers or do you spare one life and sacrifice all others?
Would you consider the mother evil if she chose to smother her child in order to save every one else? Why or why not?

Humans are the only species that is able to perform, feel and think of evil acts. A lion savagely eating a gazelle isn't evil, it is merely a means to survive by way of hunting but a human being savagely eating another human is evil. What makes the difference is our ability to differentiate between what's morally good versus bad. So with that said do you think everyone no matter how good of a person they are is capable of evil? My opinion is YES what's yours?