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On My Path to Greatness

In the days and weeks leading up to today, my birthday, I've been jokingly stating that I'm sticking at 29 but now that I'm actually 30 I am so glad to be. My twenties have definitely taught me some valuable life lessons along the way and I will be forever grateful as you know no triumph without going through the test of trial first.

For it was in my twenties that I.....

Purchased my first home.

Discovered my true passion is Writing and Interior Design.

Honed my Design skills through several projects throughout Atlanta via the birth of my company Chameleon Decor Interiors.

Get daily therapy and personal joy from my blog, Lipstick Manual.

Planned out my next steps in furthering my pursuit of happiness through art and fashion.

Met my fiance' Jason and started planning my wedding as Vintagebridetobe Rene.

Was laid off from my previous employer, went through financial struggle and rebounded with more happiness in my current position than ever before.

Gained a real interest and appreciation of Finance and growing your wealth through my years in banking, participating in Evest (an investment group started by a dear friend) and personal research & experience. I am too old to not save, too old for not having sufficient funds for the things I need and want and too old to not pass along my gained knowledge for others to use as well ;0)

Grew closer to a long time schoolmate and now she is one of the best girlfriends a woman could ask for, Minicheese ;0)

Met some great friends in college and the years thereafter (Erin, William, Erika, Taylor, Crystal, Kywanda, Tyra S, Tyra H, Nija, Tania) all who've have impacted my life and helped shape me into the woman I am today. Whether we speak often or not so much I do love and appreciate you all as friends.

Relived some of my childhood memories with my pet Yorkie Yago through my dogs Rambo and Juicy, those two bring a smile to my face daily.

Developed a close bond with my Great Aunt Sissy and learned much of what I know about my past through her life's stories.

Shared in the joys of new additions to the family through my sister's children Jalen and now Bryson. It is my hope that they both grow up to be wonderful men of great character.

Last but not least I came to know ME, who I truly am, what I truly like, desire and loathe. Self awareness and actualization is a beautiful thing and I cherish knowing that I am no longer living for other's stamp of approval but living for me.....

Happy 30th Birthday to me. ;0)

I'm no longer a girl but a woman on my path to greatness now.

This song is dedicated to my 20s.... Sade Pearls