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Rose Colored Glasses

"Je vois le monde a travers des lunettes roses"

Well as of November 26th I am 30 years old. Happy Birthday to me yay ;0) Tonight I am coming to you live from my new Macbook Air, a birthday present from my fiance'. How sweet! 

The quote above says 'I look at the world through rose colored glasses.' I am getting this tattooed along the curve of my torso and down my hip. This quote definitely defines my new mindset and mind revolution for my 30th year on Earth and beyond. When you look at the world through rose colored glasses, literally and figuratively, all that you see is even more vibrant and filled with bold and beautiful color. It's like seeing for the first time and once you do you will see just how beautiful the world truly is. I think I might just wear my rose colored glasses tomorrow!

Tonight I am thankful for my evolution. I have come along way and I look forward to what the future has in store. 

For all those lovelies headed to the stores on Black Friday best of luck in finding your hearts desires for the greatest deal. 

Happy Trails,

Lipstick Diva