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Respect Diversity

I am remembering times when getting dressed for any particular outing and talking myself out of wearing whatever came to mind first because of what some might say. I still do that til this day but I'm getting better about learning to block that out and just 'do me.' Afterall, why shouldn't you wear a tutu to the grocery store if that's in your heart or wearing a fabulously glittery matching outfit with Bamboo earrings to workout (☺ I've been guilty of laughing at those girls) without the next gal making a snide comment? Right?! I don't think certain women were put here to make us feel bad about ourselves as I have read a few times across the net. Some women just like to have a Dollface 24 hours 7 days a week, wear big Beyonce' inspired weaves or extra long acrylic nails and just because you don't doesn't mean either of the two are better than the next one. Respect Diversity, the world would be a much happier place if we all lived our lives that way ;0)