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.....and she has dreams too big for this town ♥

As you may know I've been working hard on my fitness mainly to achieve my ideal hourglass figure but with that said let it be known that there is NO perfect shape. Your ideal body image should be your goal and not the ideas of another, especially not the next woman. I am often disappointed when hearing women gab about how this woman is too large, too curvy, too skinny yadayadayada. smh Yes it is true we are all entitled to our own opinions about everything under the sun but sometimes what really is the point? After all, losing weight is a hard enough journey and I think we'd all be better off encouraging one another as opposed to nit picking every minute, trivial, and unnecessary 'fault' you find in another. 

With that said, my thoughts on the topic are so what Nicki Minaj got butt injections. So what Heidi Montag has undergone numerous plastic surgeries. So what Jennifer Hudson is now a size 4......what does that have to do with me? Absolutely NOTHING!

Tonight I will be focusing on my abdomen and will post the exercises here from the Shape Training book we are utilizing. 

The moral of the story is if you have dreams too big for this town, too big for the naysayers in your circle, too big for the gossip girls on your block leave them behind. 
The New Year is a great time to start anew ♥

Here are some inspirational pictures for women of all shapes and sizes. Enjoy!