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The X Factor

I am super stoked to announce that I finally received my Shape Training book, previously I was sharing my workout partner's and now I can fully immerse myself in all it's glory to be had! lol

So today let's talk about the X Frame: Nearly Perfect, but Always Room for Improvement.

If you already have an X Frame, lucky you! Your figure approaches the classic hourglass shape, with the upper body and lower body in equal proportion, tied together by a small waistline. Other factors that contribute to an X frame are arms with balanced development, a bust line just right for your size and legs that flow aesthetically from the hips to the knees. But even X frames have room for improvement. Why? Because NO ONE IS PERFECT

Read on for the X Frame Shape Training Routine:


Emphasis: Maintaining shape or trimming down

Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of relaxed walking

Exercise style: Moderate to heavy poundages and high reps 12-15


First do a warmup set (light weight) then 2-3 increased poundage sets 12-15 reps

Medium-stance hack squat

Dumbell side lunge

Hip/hamstring curl

Machine bench press

Chest circle

One arm at a time dumbbell press

Front lateral raise

Negative chin up (as many as possible)

Dumbbell pullover

Pulley crunch

Lying dumbbell curl

Dumbbell kickback

Aerobics 30-45 mins of cardio.


Emphasis: Fat burning

Perform 30-45 minutes of cardio to include fast walking, weight walking, racewalking, jogging or treadmill running, aerobic dance or anything like that.


Rest or aerobics