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Love is in the Air ♥

This picture reminds me of when I first met my fiance'. I was daydreaming all day at work, emailing and texting like crazy and just over the moon about him. I couldn't wait to get off work to see him, pick a movie, meet up at the gym, go on a walk or even just cruise the city. I used to sit at my desk with my ipod blaring Trey Songz, listening to love songs and very much in my own world. I can't wait to jump the broom, there is almost less than 100 days away til the big day ♥

Love is definitely in the air here in GA too because couples have been awfully busy this past winter lol I keep running into pregnant women left and right. They look so beautiful with their glowing skin and their little baby bumps out and proud. I also see a lot more seemingly chipper women sporting their Spring dresses and stilettos, maybe they have a hot date after work or are going to mingle on a restaurant patio. Does Spring make you feel more loving too?