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Tomboy turned Dollface

When I was young nothing pleased me more than running behind my brother and his friends. For some reason there seemed to be more boys than girls growing up in my neighborhood or perhaps I just liked playing their games more lol We had fun playing games like man hunt, flag football, double dutch, skelzies, riding bikes and other sorts of made up stuff. My right pinky is bent from a catch gone wrong playing football and my knees are scarred from falls on those terrible concrete gravel streets but I wouldn't have changed it for the world ☺ Good times, these kids don't know how to play now. Imagination is the best friend to a bored child.

Now that I'm older some of that tomboy spirit still lingers and any male who knows me has surely been shown my biceps as a 'threat'! lol but the feminine side of me definitely has prevailed. I started experimenting with makeup in the 90s while in high school. I believe this is the reason I am obsessed with CVS now because I was often in their beauty isle browsing for new items. Now my hobby of playing in makeup has completely taken over my desk at home and my time on the weekends. I spend hours online watching tutorials and practicing make up applications. I look forward to wearing skirts, dresses and heels with my hair done in a super girly style. I've even taught myself how to do a professional looking manicure thanks to the world wide web. I think being self sufficient in the area of beauty is a must, well at least it is for me. I hated the idea of being a slave to a stylist or nail tech so I taught myself how to it at home. I believe we should know how to properly care for our skin, how to wash & style our hair, how to manicure our hands & feet, how to make ourselves up, how to dress like a lady and overall simply embrace femininity; whatever that means for you.

Are you a tomboy turned dollface too? Do you own more heels than flats? Do you own a pair of sneakers? Do wear makeup every day and refuse to be seen without it? Do you spend a large percentage of your funds on beauty products?

What do you enjoy most about being a woman?