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Va-Va-Voom Is Good For The Soul

This post is in response to the Va-Va-Voom Is Good for the Soul article written by Danielle LaPorte. 

Now while I am not married yet, soon to be, I can definitely attest to those days where you just want to walk around the house with your headscarf on, comfy slippers and that old college t-shirt but does that suit your man's fancy? Umm I don't know about all men but mine definitely appreciates when I choose not to don my comfy red riding hood robe all the time. lol I have taken notes from sexy vixens doing things like showing up in a rain coat and heels ♥ or choosing to fix myself up even if I am sporting rollers like the picture above. According to LaPorte,
"European women have us pinned to the mat in the “make an effort” category. They make North American women look like...slobs in Crocs and ponytails and sweatpants. I think that va-va-va-voom we mustered up to get the man, too often fades. And va-va-va-voom is good for the soul."

I have vowed to myself to make an effort to be that sexy woman he dates now. It's easy to look cute when you have oodles of time before children are concerned and your weekends are free to do whatever you so please. I reckon it gets harder but nothing pains me more than leaving the house looking a mess. Now while I don't try to match my workout clothes I do like them to look decent. I can't be looking like a cat in the rain just because I'm exercising.

"Your appearance tells the world how to treat you. When you take care of yourself, life tends to pitch in. When you aim to shine, life pays proper attention to you -- and that includes your lover boy (or girl)." LaPorte

So with that said, even if you are single take some time to treat yourself well. You don't have to put on makeup or wear uber sexy clothing, just do what makes you feel & look your best.  This also goes for the men. Too often we read articles telling women how to keep their man interested in them because 'Men are visual creatures!' Well you've heard it here first, "Women like something nice to look at too!" I remember driving with my crazy cousin Dianne lol she is a hoot! We stopped at a light and she saw a man standing at the bus stop and she exclaims something to the effect of him "Looking like a steak on a table, good enough to eat!" I was dying laughing but that just goes to show you that we notice a good looking man when we see one AND we don't want to have to flip through G Q magazine to get our fix. Step ya game up gents!