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First comes Love, then comes Marriage then comes No SEX?

When you decide to spend the rest of your life with her, it's the farthest thing from your mind. When you pop the question, you can't imagine it, any more than she can see it coming while she's unwrapping scented lotion and thongs at her bridal shower. On the honeymoon?  Definitely not an issue. But research indicates that, in quality and quantity, sex dwindles after marriage.

A highly respected University of Chicago study found that, while the frequency of intercourse decreases by over 700%  between the ages of 20 and 70 among the general populace, "among the married the decline is even more striking […]  Even among couples who rate their marriages as very happy and say they are still in love, frequency of intercourse declines." In another survey, 6 out of 10 couples stated that marriage had "completely ruined the excitement of having sex."

Yet another survey found that 60% of dating singles reported being sexually satisfied, compared to only 52% of married people. Also in that study, 48% of dating singles and only 36% of marrieds report having sex at least once a week.

If this dreadful prospect is true, what's sucking the sex out of marriage? And is there anything we can do to get it back? www.askmen.com

I surely hope this statistic isn't true? I suppose once the excitement of honeymoon bliss wears off, you've already worn the lace thongs gifted to you at your bridal shower, and you now are in the gym crunching, squatting and lifting that baby weight off you just may not feel as sexy as you were when walking down the aisle in your gown. Men aren't off the hook here either because I see plenty of grooms/husbands sporting the oh so unattractive beer belly when he had a 6 pack at I Do. Do people really get that comfy after marriage and think because the ring is on the finger you don't have to lift a finger?

Top 10 Things that suck the sex out of marriage:

1. Habit

Twenty percent of married couples have sex less than 10 times a year. Once you establish this habit as OK you are in for a fast ride into cobb webs where they shouldn't be.

2. Erectile Dysfunction

I have never experienced a man with this BUT men you ought to be going to get yourself checked.

3. Menopause

Over 60% of divorces are initiated by women in their menopausal years, during which they experience decreased libido. Boy do I not look forward to the heat flashes and mood swings but I hear you can ward this off with your diet and herbal teas.

4. Lost Looks 0-o

Forty-three percent of married couples claim that their loved one isn't as attractive anymore. "Letting yourself go" usually means gaining weight and giving in to other side-effects of an unhealthier lifestyle, says Wendy Strgar, author of Love That Works: A Guide to Enduring Intimacy and founder of the Good Clean Love line of organic sensual products. "So much of a relationship comes from your commitment to your own health. The whole catch-up thing does not work. If you're with somebody who hasn't built that commitment into the relationship, it won't just be your sex life that's suffering."

5. Sexual Differences

Men are over five times more likely than women (45% versus 8%) to think of sex at least once a day. A key component of sexual dissatisfaction, says Queen, is "erotic incompatibility, in which one partner really likes something different than the other." That "something different" can include techniques, times of day, or a variety of other factors, including how frequently one wants to have sex. Differing desires can lead to pressure, blame, resentment, "anger management issues, disrespectful talk, unreasonable expectations, and the list goes on." Gender-based differences in desire are biologically built into any heterosexual union.

6. Infidelity

Need I say more?

7. Parenthood

Thirty percent of women say they experience no sexual pleasure at all for the entire first year after giving birth. "Some of these women are still hormonally affected," Queen explains. "All of them, most likely, are suffering from exhaustion and stress."

8. Pregnancy

Women's sexual pleasure drops by as much as 39% during the third trimester, according to research published in the British Medical Journal.

9. Boredom

In a Woman's Day survey, nearly three times more women described their marriages as "boring" than as "exciting."I think this occurs because ppl are creatures of habit. Try switching things up and add some spice back into your life. A marriage is a safe space to act out all your crazy fantasies.

10. No Time

Eighty percent of married couples blame their declining sex lives on being "too busy." Who ever thought you'd reach a point when you were too busy to bone?

Married people what are your thoughts?