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Black Girls are Easy

Just this past week I was entertained by a few blog posts from http://blackgirlsareeasy.blogspot.com and I can't stop laughing. This blog is creatively written from a males point of view about dating black women. I know there are tons of articles written about the Angry Black Woman syndrome and why Black women are single and YES I am sick of reading about them, even as an engaged woman, because they are often offensive and unnecessary. BUT when something is written with pure truths intent in an effort to wake you the f'ck up you can't help but sit up and pay attention to what the man has to say.

Read an excerpt from the blog entitled "Is your coochie in high demand" and let's discuss:

High Demand! It has nothing to do with being pretty, phat, or thinking your pussy taste like mango. The chicks who are in high demand are the ones who have boyfriends. “Why do guys want me when I have someone, but when I’m single no one hollas?” Simple. When you were single you were walking around with an attitude, posting dumb ass love quotes on Facebook, and mean mugging every guy in the club because you thought you were above that scene. Once you find a man you begin to radiate with confidence and every man around you becomes drawn to that fire. When a woman is in a relationship her entire swagger changes, she’s glowing, her hair stays done, ass looks phatter, and she’s no longer using Carmex, she’s Mac’d up and those lips are popping! A chick with a man walks differently than a chick without a man, she doesn’t think her shit is bomb, her pussy has the twitter verified sticker, she knows its bomb! I was going to my car on Monday when this chick spoke to me. She was happy as fuck, hair bouncing, heels clicking and she came out and initiated the conversation by saying “how are You doing”. I’ve been thinking about this theory for a second so I said, “Where’s Your boyfriend”. She smiled and said, “Home”. Bam! I knew it. If she were single she would have been nervous, probably pretending to text on her phone, and would not have spoken unless I spoke first. I'm not talking about all single ladies, a lot of you go hard, my fiancée was single when I met her and she was walking like she owned the world. I'm addressing the those that lack the Je ne sais quoi that an involved woman has. 

This is the most hilarious thing I have read in a long time about relationships and I agree 100%, well maybe not 100, but it is very darn close to that. I have experienced the 'pheromone attraction' that men have to a woman that has her ego on a hundred million. It doesn't have to be because she has a man either, she just walks and talks like she knows she's the shit because she is confident and confidence is VERY attractive. Pheromones are chemicals secreted by an animal that influences the behavior or development of other members of the same species. Queen bees, for example, give off a pheromone that prevents other females in the hive from becoming sexually mature, with the result that only the queen bee mates and lays eggs. In many animal species, pheromones are used to establish territory and attract mates. 

Have you ever noticed during your periods of ovulation and your cycle you are a lot more lovely than ever before and men are simply swarming around you? Well that is because your body is giving off chemical signals that say you are ready to mate and they respond to it. ♥ 

Now back to the article, do you agree or disagree that a woman in a relationship carries a certain level of confidence surpassing or trumping one that is single?