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How to Achieve your Vision Even Against the Odds

This weekend I will be meeting up with my Vision Board buddies to evaluate, assess and claim success on our Visions birthed this New Year. We were instructed by the hostess to come prepared to discuss the following topics:

*Progressions...practice makes improvement ;) 

*Revisions/Revelations i.e. you don't quite have that vision anymore and/or you learned something new about yourself 

*Achievements ...What have you accomplished to date?

*Year Long Strategy...What steps are you taking to achieve your top 3 visions? 

I came across the article below, amended by moi, and thought it was a perfect read right before preparing to meet up with my group. I love the fact that the directives actually make you sit down in front of your boards and really take the time to assess your situation. I plan to take some notes for myself today, these will help in my discussion as well be applicable to my life. 

Over the course of your journey you may have encountered people who did not believe in your vision and tried to deter you from progression. The truth is not everyone will fall in love with your goals. Actually, some people will intentionally try to distract you from moving forward with what you want because they derive some pleasure from pulling you down. Whether you call them naysayers, or haters, there are some things you should keep in mind when protecting your vision. 

1. When you keep a laser-like focus on your vision everything else will fall away.
So many people spend too much time worrying about what others think of them. As 'they' say if those folks don't pay your bills, their opinion doesn't matter. Life is short, so why waste your time trying to mold yourself into someone you are not? My motto is "Don't be so concerned about things that don't concern you and that goes for other people's opinions.

Remembering who you are trying to reach will always keep you focused and centered. You can’t be everything to everybody and that is the way that it should be. When I made the decision to create a blog I initially did it as an open diary as I've loved to write for years and this just seemed like the next step to actually writing a book. Of course since it's inception my ideas and thoughts have matured and grown tremendously and with that I have evolved my brand to be an avenue used to propel and promote positivity amongst women. One thing that I've learned since beginning this blog is to write for me first and then the reader second. I can not possibly please each and every woman that clicks on my page but some of my thoughts will resonate with many who do. There will be people who dislike my train of thought or me for that matter, one day a follower the next not so much but the greatest thing about me is that I don't let how others feel about me effect how I feel about me ;0) I have one goal in mind here and that is being an entrepreneur through doing what I love. Being an entrepreneur isn't really for people who believe that they CAN’T, it’s for the people who question if they CAN. Big difference. 

2. When people try to box you in (and they will) RUN!
Doing something unconventional is scary. Whether that be quitting your job because you never did like it anyway, or starting a new business venture, branching out into the unknown is a little terrifying. And the funny thing about this is, not only are YOU scared, your notions of being big and bold start scaring other people!

People turn against you when they see you wanting to try something new. I believe this is because we have been so programmed to believe that we all have to march to the same beat and never steer off course. If you find out after embarking on your journey that some of these weeds are in your group and trying to hold you back cut them loose so you can continue to grow. Most of the time their negative reaction, thoughts and statements to you will be in an effort  to put you back in the box, cage, or cubicle right along with them.

Also not every statement of criticism is bad, there is such a thing as constructive criticism. You shouldn't want everyone to agree with everything you have to say in order for them to be considered a good friend as someone else's opinion or method might make more sense so be open minded.

Remember this: anytime someone tells you that you can't or you shouldn't, you are doing something right. Rock on!

3. Finally, and most important, remember YOU define your own rules.
The number one reason I want to work for myself and write about doing so here is because I want to encourage people who don’t believe in living a mediocre existence to break through convention to get to their true self.

Even if your business idea doesn't generate the money you need right away keep on pushing. Why?
The beauty of a idea or a goal is that it can be anything you want it to be. You may need to tweak a few things here and there, network with people and even get a mentor to gain success. 

Don’t let anyone trick you into thinking there are “set rules” you should follow. Just because something has always been done in a traditional way, does not make it automatically right. The fabulous thing about your project might be the way you do everything WRONG, according to the powers that like to spit modern “wisdom”.

Next time you start a new project, or are redefining your vision, keep this in mind: there are the kind of rules that keep us safe (look both ways before you cross the street), and then there are the rules that are just limitations set up by others. Learn to distinguish between the two. Then follow the path less taken, not the path of least resistance.

About the author: In 2009, Amber J. Adams moved to New York City with nothing but two suitcases and a smile. As the voice behind The Fab Life Project blog, Amber provides weekly inspiration, ideas, and resources for Gen Y’ers who want to live lives that rock without limitations or hesitations. She is on a mission to show people that life doesn’t have to be mundane; it can be freakin’ fabulous! Visit Amber's blog thefablifeproject.com