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Awaken Your Potential this Spring

Spring is near and it's time to clean out the cobwebs ladies. This is a time when people put away those heavy turtle necks, wool pants and winter coats to make room for the more desired sandals and floral dresses. They take the time to do marathon laundry, dust and polish their wood, clear out the attic, clear the gutters of Fall leaves and even plant some pretty perennials in front of their newly manicured lawns but what about internal spring cleansing? I'm not just talking health wise but moreso your relationship with yourself and others.

In the Spring we should reassess our space, our aura and those in it. We need to create space for the new things we want in our lives as Spring is a time for rebirth, rejuvenation and awakening. We often have so much clutter in our homes, garages and in our auras that there is NO more room for additional occupants. There is no room in our lives for that new car, that new job or that soul mate you desire because there is so much clutter in our lives taking up space and most of these 'things or beings' have NO business being there.

You expect God to bless you with this great man yet you continue holding on to the raggedy ones because you don't want to be alone. Cut him loose and clear out the clutter.

You expect God to bless you with this new job but you don't prepare yourself for it by research and application, instead you come home and jump on Facebook. Adjust your priorities and get to applying for jobs.

You expect God to bless you with abundance and prosperity but you are not grateful for the things that you already own. Donate your time, give away some of your belongings or money to those in need to make room for new things to come.

Be certain that your actions are in direct alignment with the things that you ask for. These are just some principles from the Law of Attraction. What you wish for, what you speak into existence will become your reality. Believe that what you want will be yours. Ask and you shall receive. Now I'm not talking soley material items like your first home or that new Mercedes Benz and I'm most certainly not speaking of coveting thy neighbors possessions (husband or wife) but more like attaining your dreams of success, your dream job, living your best life! In order to do this you have to clear your head of the negativity, those sneaky thoughts saying you can't, won't or shouldn't and replenish your thoughts with positive ones like YES I CAN and I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. Ask for your desires, know you are worthy of receiving them and EXPECT them to be delivered.

The Secret is, there really is no secret at all. Believing in yourself is the 1st step....