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Make it Last Forever and ever......

Denzel Washington's Marriage Secret? "Do What She Tells Me"


Growing up I never desired to be married. I didn't play dress up with my sister taking turns being the bride and throwing the bouquet to my stuffed animals. To me marriage consisted of arguments, disappointments and a lot of sad moments based on what I saw in my life. Most of my childhood friends grew up in single parent homes and although I did not, they didn't seem to be that much better off. I think a successful marriage results from true unconditional love between two people. You have to like AND love the person you are with in order to make it work. Getting married when you are too young to even know what you want for yourself can lead to divorce just the same as getting married for the sake of pregnancy and wanting to do the right thing. 

 Now that I am older, 30 years old to be exact and on the road to marriage this summer I view it quite differently. I think this is mainly because I spent time away from my parents in college, living in another state, to grow and learn who Lipstick Diva was. I dated different types of men, from the college 'nerd', the egomaniac, Mr. NYC thugged out, Mr. GQ fashion fiend to the typical dope boy. These experiences taught me what I like and what I don't care so much for. I developed meaningful friendships with both men and women, traveled, lived with a man, lived on my own, purchased my 1st home and even embarked into entrepreneurship in Interior Design. I'm not saying that I've experienced it all but I have done enough in my lifetime to know that I'm ready for marriage and the man I've chosen (because it takes two) is the one for me. 


Previously I posted a picture of Kimora and her hubby Dijimon as the ideal marital unit but my hubby to be mentioned his ideal as Denzel and Pauletta. Above you will see Mr. Sex Symbol Denzel before he had those perfect pearly whites and that sexy swag all the ladies go ga ga over now. A devoted family man -- he’s been married for almost 25 years and has four children. Denzel has been diligent in keeping a low profile throughout his acting career, effectively ensuring that neither he nor his loved ones are ever hounded by the paparazzi.With such a public profile his marriage could have easily gone down the tubes like so many others especially because he is a huge success and there are plenty of groupies that would want to give him a taste of their platinum p*ssy. lol I've heard numerous times from articles written by women that they can't fathom why he is with a woman who looks like Pauletta opposed to one that looks like Sanaa Lathan. How can we assume what this man's type is? Maybe he doesn't like light skinned women, maybe Pauletta knows how to throw down in the bedroom and hook it up in the kitchen. Maybe she is his best friend, his ace boon coon and the one who has his back. She most certainly knows him best and has been there way before the bread came rolling in. I'd say that is reason enough to keep her instead of ditching her for a woman that undoubtedly would want him just for the fortune and fame.  They have a history, a genuine history not sugarcoated and fluffed up by savvy writers for the big screen. When I see pictures of them out and about he is chillin, relaxed clothing and they look happy to be in each others presence. 

They have a family together and I'm sure that has created an even tighter bond between the two. 

So without further adu click the link below to hear from Denzel himself on what makes a successful marriage.


I don't know about you but I want to make it last forever just like them ;0)