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The definition according to thefreedictionary.com is as follows:

a. Unfaithfulness to a sexual partner, especially a spouse.

b. An act of sexual unfaithfulness.

c. Lack of fidelity or loyalty.

d. Lack of religious belief.

I've heard from married men and single men alike that the bible nor the government recognizes the term 'engagement' and therefore shouldn't be taken into account when it comes to relationships. As an engaged woman of course I couldn't disagree more. Since when is the government the most intelligent and reliable source of information on the planet? Hmmm and then those convenient bible quoters are even more unreliable, like really have you even read the bible cover to cover or are you just surfing for convenient theories to suit your lifestyle? 

I believe that once you commit yourself verbally to a person with a promise that you WILL be loyal meaning monogamous and this promise is broken you have committed infidelity. I just don't understand how a man can go out purchase an engagement ring, get on one knee, ask for a woman's hand in marriage and yet say 'It ain't official until we say I do so I'm still single!' WHAT that is just so crazy to me. You mean to tell me since your W2 still says single this gives you the right to negate the time, commitment and obligation you have to your partner because of the box you checked on a piece of paper? 

What is the consensus out there ladies and gents? What are your thoughts on the subject?

Comments are welcomed and appreciated ;0)