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It ain't Easy being Pretty

Our entire fashion, beauty, entertainment and even lives revolve around all that glitters. Research has shown that the slimmer and more 'beautiful' women are often chosen for jobs over others simply because they look the part. I'm not sure why but everyone seems to think that all pretty women are conceited and full of themselves, that couldn't be further from the truth. Little girls who are constantly told from birth that they are so cute, adorable, pretty and beautiful often grow up thinking this themselves but then they go out in the world and are confronted with people who beg to differ. This is where the insecurity comes in. Yes the most beautiful women have insecurities. Often times this comes from other women's vulgarity and negative remarks or even the men in their lives who are supposedly there to love and protect yet spew commentary that dictate otherwise.

I consider myself an attractive person but I also have insecurities about the way that I look like many other women. For a long time coming, I've felt very uncomfortable when receiving compliments because I hate being put on the spot and I really don't like attention. Contrary to popular belief I don't get dressed and go out in public seeking attention. I dress and make myself look the way that I do for me. I often frolic around the house, fashionably so, with no one around to see or care. It is so off-putting to me when out socializing and I get a side eye from a stranger and even more so disturbing from a friend. Why? I have no earthly idea.

I've come to the conclusion that even as grown ups we all feel insecurities about ourselves and with this sometimes seeing other's who seemingly exude confidence and grandeur makes us envious. Just know that because he or she looks fabulous and so called 'perfectly' coiffed doesn't mean they have it all together. After all, we are all human in nature.