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The Truth is in the Label

A few weeks ago I hosted a soiree for hair, skin and makeup. During the discussion my guest speaker informed us about Tree Hugger which hosts a skin care database that displays the toxicity levels of the ingredients in your products. http://www.cosmeticdatabase.com/

Here are a few searches I did and the links to the results, click to see if you use products with these ingredients and how toxic they are for your skin & overall health.

Petroleum Distillates http://www.cosmeticdatabase.com/browse.php?containing=704787

Baby Oil http://www.cosmeticdatabase.com/wordsearch_free.php?hq=baby+oil+&go=go

Mineral Oil http://www.cosmeticdatabase.com/wordsearch_free.php?hq=mineral+oil&go=go

Vaseline http://www.cosmeticdatabase.com/wordsearch_free.php?hq=vaseline&go=go

People often wonder how they can go through life eating 'right' and exercising but still wake up in their elder years suffering from disease. I believe it is because we are unknowingly ingesting toxic chemicals and slathering them onto our skin for years which results in the manifestation of cancer and other ailments later on.

There is truth in knowing....