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Your Ideal Body

Do you remember when you first started to formulate what you perceived to be as your ideal body image? Where did this notion come from? Was it fashion magazines, television, friends or family? For me I believe my ideal body image perception came from watching urban television lol as I was stick thin and always wanted a curvy shape. My body type is athletic and I've always been active from dancing to track and field in high school. I posted a link to this article from The Frisky.com on celebrity bodies with the title "Don't believe the hype" on Facebook yesterday and had a pretty interesting convo with a friend about body image. The Fashion industry prides itself on portraying beauty soley through slim, slender or skinny women but what about the rest of us? Are we not beautiful if we wear a size larger than 4?

Truth be told although the word 'self-esteem' includes SELF, your esteem is built up by the thoughts and opinions of those that matter most to you in life whether you agree or not. So in an effort to level the playing field I figured I should post some Body Image affirmations. Each day I try to post Womens Positive Daily affirmations on my Lipstick Manual FB page, you should check it out!

Body image affirmations

Use these affirmations or modify them at your convenience to gain confidence about your own body:

I love my body
I take care of the needs of my body
I am thankful for all the parts of my body that function correctly
I accept my body as it is
I am beautiful just as I am
I am thankful for my body moving with ease
My body is perfect just like this
I appreciate all the movements that my body let me perform
I am thankful for my strength
I am appreciative of the compliments I receive about my body
I am thankful for being able to touch, see, smell, hear and taste
I enjoy feeling good about my body