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Do you think natural hair/going natural is a trend?

Back in the days of elementary school I remember having girlfriends like me sporting natural tresses. Of course there were the girls in school with perms but for the most part I think at least in elementary the girls wore braids, ponytails or their hair out in a natural style. Here are a few pictures of us in elementary and now I can see looking back that the girls with permed hair had damaged hair as well. My hair is pressed in these pictures. 

I have an uber embarrassing picture of my so called press and curl for school pictures that swelled up the size of Texas and there I am in the picture smiling from ear to ear smh I still yell at my mom for sending me to school like that! lol 

I just noticed recently even more television commercials displaying brown skin women with natural curls and they don't look mulatto or mixed either. I'm not sure if natural hair is trendy, I just think now more well known women are sporting the look and that gives the average girls confidence to wear theirs too. I also believe youtube and blogging has played a HUGE part in the disbursement of knowledge in the natural hair community. You can log on for hours watching videos and reading blog posts from real women, hear their stories, learn the tricks of the trade and duplicate these routines in the comfort of your own home. In addition, the tools of the trade have dramatically improved. I started out with the hot comb on the stove technique. I even have curled my hair with cut pieces of a brown paper bag  (what you know about that jack) ;0). Now everything is ceramic and heat controlled to promote healthy hair and more women are looking into using natural ingredients on their natural hair. 

So in conclusion my opinion is no natural hair isn't a trend. I can still stand in a crowd of women and only see a few wearing their hair in a natural style, excluding a flat ironed look because you can't always tell who is simply pressing their hair straight. As with anything there will always be women who want to try by encouragement from friends or just wanting something new. Natural hair isn't any better than permed or relaxed hair. The best hair or so called 'good' hair is HEALTHY hair. Natural hair also isn't every woman's cup of tea. It isn't the easiest just get up and go type of regimen. You have to condition, moisturize, detangle and style. All of this is not done every single day but it is done more often than when wearing a perm. If you are thinking about going natural I would suggest doing your research and seeking a support system from women who have transitioned in your area. It is always helpful to bounce ideas off other people. 

Do you think natural hair is a trend? Or are people really open to the beauty of natural hair and are in it for the long run?

Also why do you think casting directors, modeling agencies and others are now taking a interest in natural hair all of a sudden?