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Dolls of Color

I'm hosting a natural hair and makeup soiree in honor of women sharing beauty secrets. All too often I've found some women tend to withhold great tips in fear of her essence being dwindled down by other women rising up to meet their beauty potential. This couldn't be farther from the truth. I feel more beautiful and cheery sharing my acquired knowledge over the years with my friends. There are a lot of women thinking about going natural, in transition, full blown natural or just want to learn how to properly care for their hair. We all know something of value so why not share. I also know plenty of women who wear makeup daily, can be considered guru's in the field or are simply embarking on a new journey of playing with colors. I think this will be an enlightening bonding experience between the gals and hope we all walk away with some new found knowledge. I think women all over the globe should come together for each one teach one soiree's more often. Get your girl's together for a makeup and hair soiree so you all can be bold, brilliant and beautiful this Spring ;0)

Here are some inspirational pictures. Enjoy!