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I'm Internationally Known

Today's banter on FB revolved around a picture of an alleged homosexual man by way of his bow tie, suspenders and riding boots. smh This is what's wrong with the world where people's sexual preferences are defined by little things such as the clothes on their backs or their occupation. Now I'm not talking an man obviously dressed in a woman's clothing such as a dress. I'm merely speaking of a man wearing something deemed to be 'gay' by an egotistical male society. I personally admire well fitted clothing. My motto is you wear the clothes, don't let them wear you. Just because a man has on tailored trousers doesn't make him gay any more than a man twirling a curling iron does. Open your hearts and minds so you can enjoy all that the world has to give. I work for an International firm and in fact I am the only woman, the only African American and until recently the only American. I enjoy working with a diverse group of people and learning about the small town in Bangladesh, Scotland or Singapore they've traveled from. Until you hop on a plane and get your first International stamp to see the world abroad most people will continue to think the world revolves around them and what they think is right......

Respect diversity