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It Ain't Trickin if You Got it!

Which one are you?

High Maintenance ~ you require someone to do your hair & nails every week and refuse to be photographed in the same outfit twice.

Medium Maintenance ~ you are a DIY kind of gal, often shop on the sale rack and you don't mind being pampered every once in a while.

Low Maintenance ~ shopping is not your thing, you are a DIY kind of gal but you don't spend much time fixing yourself up, au natural is your motto

I often hear men say they don't want a high maintenance woman and they almost ALWAYS relate this to a woman that wears makeup, shops and likes to primp. I consider myself medium maintenance because although I do love to shop, I wear other people's clothing via thrifting, I taught myself how to do my own hair, nails and makeup and I don't mind remixing my wardrobe to wear things multiple times. I do however enjoy and welcome GIFTS ;0) That is my primary love language. 

What about you?