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A Love Story....

"Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher."

Jason finally showed me his short film on love. It is soooooo sweet and I can't wait til he debuts it for the rest of the world to enjoy. Since it's almost Valentine's that is the perfect gift to the couple he interviewed to be able to sit and watch their love story as it unfolds just as they told it.

One of the key statements that resonated with me was the mentioning of friendship before courtship. They both proclaimed that friendship was the glue that binds their relationship through thick and thin. So my question is, if you are not 'friends' before you become lovers do you think your relationship is destined for failure? I personally have never formed a true platonic friendship with a male and then have it grow into a love affair afterwards but their love transcended the screen and I undoubtedly know their love for each other runs very deeply just from watching the video.

With that said do you think friendship should be the foundation of all romantic relationships in order for them to last a life time? Would this help our climbing divorce rates? Would truly getting to KNOW  a person for their demeanor, likes, dislikes, genuine personality, in times of pristine condition and those times with sickness help bond a couple for eternity?

I often hear that man and woman should be best friends in marriage and this I truly believe. I grew to be great if not best friends with my male friend William over the past 9 years. We have talked about everything under the sun over these years but naturally when I met Jason I spent less and less time with him and more and more time with Jason. In my opinion the title of best friend is only bestowed upon a person over the course of longevity and in exchange of chemistry unparallelled to any other friendship. I look forward to growing my love and furthering the friendship I have developed with Jason today as it is with him that I can now transfer that 'self' I only before shared with one other person.

I also have a female friend, mini, that I consider 'best' when it comes to friends with girl parts lol Although we do not live in the same city and probably only see each other once a year our friendship has budded tremendously over our little cyber world connection. My day isn't the same if we don't chat for a bit even if it's about nothing of importance ;0) Speaking of friends I also have developed some really important and cherished friendships from college as well, namely my gals Erin and Erika, friendships that have grown after college with gals like Crystal and women that I've met through other various associations like Caloria and Dearroka.

You all have helped shape me in some form or fashion over the years whether you know or not I'm grateful to have shared time with you all ;0)

In closing what would we do without our friends? My mother always told me growing up when I started dating to never forget my female friends as the boys will come and go. Thanks Mom ;0)