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Saving Our Daughters

Namaste ♥

Today I listened to a discussion about bullying in schools. It was stated that girls are the culprits of cyber bullying and encouraging other girls to not befriend a person for childish reasons. They not only bully in school but also go home and log onto social networking sites to continue the harassment causing depression and sometimes suicide among children. Usually the person's sought out to bully are so called 'different.' This not only happens in adolescent ages but also in adults alike on social networking as well as in social circles. Let's all be encouraged to embrace the differences in one another, after all that is what makes life so grand ☺

Did you experience peer pressure to bully other children in school? I don't remember bullying so much as I attended Catholic school for elementary through highschool but I do remember the formations of clicks in school. I think it is healthy to come together with others of like minds and interest but the problem lies when those like minded individuals bully and tease others who are not necessarily like them. Why is that? Are we afraid of people who are different or does that fear come from not understanding their mindset?

I learned about Saving Our Daughters, an organization discouraging bullying amongst young women. Join the cause.