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Are your friends keeping you single?

Check out the woman throwing shade at the other because her cleavage is spilling over into the plate lol One day you might find yourself throwing shade at a another woman for something as silly as her being in shape and your not, she has on a killer pair of uber expensive shoes you can't afford or the ultimate she has a man and you don't. Jealousy is quite a normal human characteristic. We live in a consumerism society where almost all day long we are bombarded with the ideal that we need this, that and the third to be cool ☺ therefore we end up in the rat race of trying to keep up with the Joneses. I'm not sure if men have the same issue but women surely do suffer from a case of the green eyed monster syndrome. It has been my observation that I personally became involved in relationships when I was on my own. I've been a loner for the most part my entire life and have strayed away from click's. I was told by my mom that you will only have a handful (meaning 5) of good friends in life and by friends I mean REAL FRIENDS. Not those that will come and go but those you will take with you through it all. 

Friends are one of life's necessities, what would we do without them? At the same time they can also be to our detriment and unknowingly so. If you take notice, women who are in clicks often have the same diet, which means they are either all in shape or all out shape, they have the same or very similar interests and that includes the good, the bad and the ugly and usually they are all in the same boat when it comes to relationships. Single women shouldn't give other single women dating advice. Why would you ask someone with an unhealthy relationship track record for advice on men for yourself? Now while she may mean well she may not have it within herself to give you good advice or else she'd be adhering to it on her own right? You may disagree....

So with that said, if you are on a weight loss goal and most of your friends are either not interested or condescending about your plans encouraging you to eat more and saying things like you look so skinny in a negative way, get some friends that are like minded in health & exercise. This also goes for your relationship goals. If you are involved in a social circle with no good men to pick from try branching out and joining other circles. Join a networking organization for professionals or volunteer. You never know who you might meet and be sure to leave that girlfriend at home who will tell you a million and one things wrong with the man you are interested in before you even say hello to him. Chances are she doesn't want you to leave her behind in the land of the singles. *Side note, there is nothing wrong with being single if that is the life you want to lead* Just be conscious of the baggage you have and are dragging around, your friend might be happily doing so while you are trying to leave yours behind. We've all heard misery loves company ♥

Lipstick Diva,